The Rendering: Extending the Poem

Dear Reader,

Where does the book end and our collective participation begin? With
that question in mind, thank you for sitting with The Rendering, and
continuing to explore its contents beyond, but still very much a part of,
the corporeal body of the book.

Please find links to files tied to variations of the poem, “Nothing but a
Margin, but a Yield”, which is referenced on page 39 of The Rendering via
QR code.

To print and assemble “Nothing but a Margin, but a Yield” as a double-
sided deck:

Nothing but a margin but a yield – Assembly.pdf

(Note: Please utilize “Nothing but a Margin, but a Yield; Assembly Ritual”
for guidance on assembly.)

To project “Nothing but a Margin, but a Yield” as a poemmural to project
on a wall of your choosing:

Nothing but a margin, but a yield — Projection.pdf or a png file.

Lastly, below is the soundsculpture “a Neoapocalyptices” which is
referenced in the poem of the same name on page 111.


Anthony Cody